One World Without Borders-elements

Well, there it is: My first Coordinated Collection at the Studio. When I learned the theme was one world, I instantly knew I would like to do something with togetherness and unity. Because that is what matters, right? I think we all have a lot in common, like caring for our loved ones, wanting to have the best for our children, live in a good environment. Of course we differ in how we see and execute those things. That is also a great thing, since it would be pretty boring if we were al exactly the same, right? Things would not evolve and learn as much, we would never be curious about someone else. My collection is just about that. Open your heart, and truly care and listen.

I hope you enjoy playing with this collection as much as I had fun creating it! Remember: Through November 26th all packs are just $1 each and the collection is only $8. So don’t miss it! Grab the collection here.

And… I would almost forget: Some inspiration from the creative team.

Together we are one – by Charlotte
One World – by Ange
The world is a better place with you in it – by Caro
Love knows no borders -by Marianne

Thank you for your interest in my designs! Very much appreciated! <3
